Sunday, February 28, 2010

Whistle While You Work

Boy, I have no idea what has gotten in to me, but this last week I have done nothing but clean it seems like.  Today was more so than the other days.  For the most part I was just doing a load of laundry and a load of dishes over the last few days.  Oh no, not today...

Today I:
     *turned cartoons on for the kids and watched a few with them
     *heated frozen waffles in the toaster and gave them to the kids
     *did a load of dishes
     *started a load of Aerick's bedding
     *put the load of Aerick's bedding in the dryer
     *started a load of towels
     *scrubbed the kids' bathroom, someone had pee'd on the floor YUCK
     *soaked the kids' bath toys in the tub with bleach water
     *rinsed toys and set aside so I could use the "tub water" for the floor
     *cleaned the mirrors and scrubbed the tub/shower enclosure
     *did another load of dishes
     *made spaghetti for lunch
     *put the load of towels in the dryer
     *made green tea for Aerick
     *made sweet tea for me by putting it in the sun
     *gave my kids the option of a snack
     *cleaned the kitchen counter
     *ate a piece of the coffee cake I made yesterday, YUM
     *played outside with the kids for a bit after Daddy got home
     *talked to my sister in law on the phone
     *put Aerick & Siera in the tub, they were dirty!
     *got Siera out of the tub, dressed and into her bed with some frosted mini wheats
     *got Aerick washed and out of the tub and dressed
     *showered and dressed myself
     *started my car so that it had time to warm up (no speedometer if I don't)
     *loaded James up in the car
     *took him to 7-11 for a slurpee (yum!)
     *met his dad to drop him
     *came home, finished my slurpee, played with Aerick
     *asked the hubs to make dinner, what we wanted we couldn't have so he made tuna for him & kids
     *kids didn't eat with Daddy so I gave them each a hot dog
     *finally got Aerick into bed about 8:30
     *it's 10 p.m. and Siera is still in her bed.  At one point she was on the couch "reading" outloud.
     *I'm hungry and I think I want a toasted pb&j bagel...
     *I'm trying to make a list of things we need for the house and groceries.

Dun, dun, dun, wasn't that a fun read today?  I'm exhausted and have a pre migraine, so I did it in list format.  Of course, that list is not in exact order and I'm positive I missed things, like cleaning the front room window while Ken spoke with his sister on the phone and I watched the little ones playing outside.  Or how I missed telling you how precious it is to see Aerick (the "baby") interacting with his big brother and sister.

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