Saturday, February 27, 2010


Today was an interesting day.  I awoke suddenly at 8 a.m. and realized that my husband had left for work.  I never felt him kiss me, barely woke to hear him talking to Siera and never even heard his truck start.  Think I was tired?  Apparently!

The reason I awoke so suddenly was because if someone isn't monitoring Siera at all times she will get into everything there is possible to get into.  My day planner is missing, wonder if she has it?  She says she doesn't, but I'm not sure she knows what it looks like.  Unfortunately self control is NOT one of her strong virtues, so in the meantime we just keep an eagle eye on her.

As I woke I heard my alarm going off that I'd forgotten to shut off last night, so I ran to my room.  And of course I glanced into the boys' room.  The site I saw was just beautiful.  For one, I forgot James was home, so that was wonderful in and of itself.  But the most beautiful thing I saw was Aerick standing at the edge of his crib and James reaching in trying to hug him or tickle him, I'm not sure which.  However, the smiles I saw on my boys' faces is what made my day.  James is such a good big brother and he really loves his siblings.

I got Aerick out of his crib and we all came out into the living room.  For once in Siera's 3 1/2 short years she wasn't demanding food as soon as she woke (makes me think Daddy fed her some before he left) so we chilled in front of the tv for about an hour.  Aerick and James sat on the loveseat with me while I tried not to fall back to sleep and Siera sat in the middle of the living room floor.  My goodness, things like that make my heart smile so big.  My kids are such blessings and I tend to forget that in the day to day stuff.

After a bit I got the kids up to the table and gave them each some Trix.  Aerick, of course, didn't want to eat!  Instead I gave him a fresh sippy and made him at least sit at the table with the big kids.  Sometimes when I do that he eats, not today!  As they ate I started a load of laundry, emptied the dishwasher and dish strainer and re loaded the dishwasher.  The kids were done eating so I cleaned up their breakfast dishes and started on the counter.  I am determined to find my day planner, Flat Stanley is hiding in it and I must send him home next week!

Then I had to get everyone dressed and out the door.  Ken needed me to deposit some money into the account.  Since I was in town I ran into WalMart to grab a few things.  Namely, invitations for James's birthday party.  Poor kid wants Kung Fu Panda and nowhere in Southern Oregon can we find it.  Therefore I took him into WalMart to choose something else.  Lo and behold he sees...  Spongebob...  Gag me now.  I hate Spongebob and only allow my children to watch it because we no longer have Noggin and after a certain time in the day there are no longer cartoons and we can only watch so many recorded cartoons!!!!!

Happy, happy, joy, joy, I get to plan a Spongebob Squarepants birthday party.  Lucky for me I do not always go along the "theme" of the party.  So, we're doing a baseball game, possibly a fruit roll up game - if I can find decently priced organic fruit roll ups, I refuse to have a bunch of food dye vamped kids running through my home and I'm not sure what else.  I'll figure it out.

I did a quick run through of Taco Bell for cheese rollups for the kids and a burrito for me.  Then off to home where I put the littles down for naps.  Siera went right to sleep, but Aerick took nearly an hour to fall asleep.  James, of course, didn't nap, but "rested" instead.  Thankfully Siera took a 2 1/2 hour nap and Aerick napped until I woke him at 5:30.

At WalMart I had bought some Totino's frozen pizzas.  They were intended for lunch, but since we did Taco Bell I made them for dinner.  Yay me!  Applesauce was included for the kids and they gobbled their dinners down like expected.  After dinner they ran around like monkeys and I made a coffee cake.  It's been nearly 10 years since I've had coffee cake, let alone made one.  YUM.  I so look forward to eating some of that later.

I did warn the children that for lunch tomorrow we are having spaghetti with leftover spaghetti sauce that I used for lasagna last week.  Need to expand our grocery money, therefore we're eating more leftovers. :)

Put Siera & Aerick to bed about 8:30.  It's now 10:12 p.m. and Siera is in my arms and Aerick has been fussing in his crib.  I didn't get a chance to check on him before Siera curled up in my lap.  Hopefully she goes to sleep quickly so I can take care of Aerick and get James to bed.  James is still up, yes.  *sigh*

Oh, also today, I had to call Valley Immediate Care.  When James came to me yesterday his father told me he had a bacterial lung infection and he was on amoxicillin and a steroid.  Um, no.  They didn't do bloodwork, I am SO not cool with giving my child this shit, so I called.  James had the start of an ear infection, tonsilitis and pharyngitis.  I'm still not pleased with the steroid, but it is what is and it's not harming him.

I've got Siera off to bed and checked on Aerick.  He's sound asleep.  I'm going to let James finish watching Disney's Prep & Landing and then off with his head!  Errrrrrrr...  I mean, off to bed!!!

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