Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Fun Day

Today was a fun day. My kids who went to bed SO early last night slept until 5:30 a.m. That's 14 hours of sleep for my children. WOOT!!!

My husband was already up so he let me sleep in until 9ish when I heard the phone ring and realized it was my ex husband. He was calling to see about when I would be ready to pick up James for my weekend with him.

I picked James up about noon and we headed to town. Thankfully we met at a grocery store so while I waited with Siera we went in and got Lunchables for the children to have for lunch. Then I realized that I really should grab something for myself to eat before the birthday party that we were headed to. So I ran through Burger King and grabbed a Whopper Jr and a small onion ring, then I headed down the street to the market to get a soda. Then we went to the park and had a great time. I never did eat the Whopper Jr... AND there was pizza there *sigh* Oh well.

James and Siera had an awesome time. The cake tasted like a ding dong without the hard outer chocolate crust and we were there for 2 hours! I was freezing by the time I left!

Then we headed down the street a couple more miles to a friends house for a "photo shoot" of Siera & myself. James played with her boys and after a few minutes of pictures we took Siera to play with the boys. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute they are! LOL

My friend takes awesome pictures and if you're in the Southern Oregon area and need a good photographer just let me know :)

We spent a couple of hours at said friends and then came home to make dinner. Breaded/fried pork loin pork chops, a box of pasta roni and a can of corn, YUM. We all ate pretty well, then I put Siera into a baking soda tub. After about 20 minutes of soaking I let the brothers in. Once the children were let out we dressed them in their jammies and put Aerick to bed. He was very tired and in a few minutes the older 2 children will head to bed.

Theeeeeeeeeen, it's Mommy & Daddy time. I'm thinking this Mommy needs to eat again, she's feeling rather hungry!

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