Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Friends and Adventures

Today Aerick had his first ever dental appointment. He did sooooo well!!! He was a little freaked out when they laid him down and he cried, of course, but otherwise he was a trooper.

Siera even did really well. She just stood next to me like a big girl and tried to help comfort her baby brother. Too sweet!

Next, we went to the mall play place and met a friend that so far I'd only spoken to online. She's very sweet and her little one was soooo happy!!! We let my kids play for awhile (hers napped, LOL) and then up to the food court we went. Orange Julius hot dog kids meals for my kids and Taco Time for us Mommies.

After a few hours I had to call it quits and start the 45 minute ride home. My kids both fell asleep on the ride home and that was nice.

When I got home I put Aerick in James' bed as it was easier, then I went to get Siera out of the car. Of course the little booger woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep, so I got to watch her play outside for a bit. She's so funny to watch when she's by herself. She plays with the dog, plays on the swingset, even tries to "see saw" by herself.

I had to put a call in to our pediatrician. I haven't heard from them about the referral for Aerick. He has an undescended testicle and I really need to get it taken care of.

We had leftover lasagna for dinner and then called it a night. The children went to bed and my husband went to bed and I'm sitting here watching old episodes of the Nanny. Yayyyyyy, LOL.

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