Friday, February 19, 2010


I am so very tired. Yesterday we ended up not finishing Siera's room like I thought we would, but I did catch up on some more laundry and dishes.

Today, however... Le sigh! I was supposed to get James about 11 a.m. so I got up at 8 when Ken left for work to be with the other kids and got them bathed. Then I get a phone call from Ken at 9:30 asking me to bring him something for the job he's doing. Really? REALLY!? *sigh* Alright, good thing I showered last night. So, I did my hair, my makeup and got dressed and out the door we went. Took my husband what he needed, met the ex husband to pick up James and then I was supposed to take the children to waste time. However, James wanted to go home and then Siera wanted to go home. Instead I ran through Taco Bell and got Siera & Aerick each a small lunch and got James a drink too. After we got home I laid Aerick down for a nap and tried to lay Siera down. She wasn't having it. Her big brother was home and that was that. I convinced her to at least lay in her bed and watch tv for quiet time while James played in the living room.

Ken came home an hour or so later and totally screwed that plan up, LOL. He brought me Subway though so I can't complain too much. I finally woke Aerick at 4 and let Siera & James play outside for a bit.

Also, today, I got an email from a woman looking for our dog. I was hesitant to email back because I thought for sure she wanted her dog back. Come to find out she really just wanted to be able to visit the dog. Even more interesting than that is that I rode the bus with her when I was in high school and she was in junior high!!!!!!!!!!

She brought her shitzu dog and her husband and came out to visit this evening. Riley remembered them and was SO happy to see them. It was a wonderful visit and I'm excited to do that playdate again :)

Siera put herself to bed at 7:30 and Aerick climbed into the crib and put HIMself to bed at 8 all while they were still here! LOL Now James is eating some popcorn and watching Word World before he heads to bed.

Then I need to eat dinner and get myself to bed. I'm exhausted tonight :)

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