Monday, March 1, 2010

Relaxing Was My Name-O!

I relaxed most of the day.  YAY!  I also got a chance to watch a Lifetime movie during nap/quiet time.

I managed to do some dishes and make dinner.  So at least everyone was fed.

Tomorrow Siera has a doctor appointment.  We need to talk about her tonsils, her bowels, her ear and her attitude!  LOL

The kids are in bed, so I'm on my way to watch some tv and then off to bed myself.  6 a.m. comes mighty early when you have to be at the doc's office at 8:30 a.m. and it's about a 30 minute drive depending on traffic!

How in the world could I forget?  After dinner I stripped Aerick of his diaper because he looked so soggy.  Within a few seconds he passed some gas so I said, "Aerick do you want to go potty?"  Of course he said yes so we ran for the toilet.  I read him 2 books and started on a third when he started to go poop!  And then he pee'd.  He was scared when he realized that he was pooping, but boy oh boy was I ever proud!  Once he calmed down (a whole 2 seconds) he got super excited and gave both me and Daddy a high five and then gave Siera  big ol' kiss!  It was soooooo sweet!!!!!!!!!  I'm so proud of my little one.

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