Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

So, today is Valentine's Day. I was up until 1 a.m. making Valentine cards for my kids and husband. I also prepared a plate for each child with an organic fruit strip (like fruit roll up, but healthy), a snack size baggie of Cookie Crisp cereal and a generic bluberry fruit & grain bar. My husband got a homemade valentine card and a Reese's heart (huge!).

While I was doing all of that I had a cake baking on a cookie sheet so that I could use the heart shaped cookie cutter for dessert for tonight.

This morning we decided to get the children ready and make our way to JJ North's for brunch. During our meal Ken and I noticed that Siera had raised reddish areas on her face. It was around all of her mouth, a few spots on her nose and cheeks. Quite scary and I'm assuming an allergic reaction. To what? We have NO idea. She's eaten everything their before minus the italian dressing. I asked the manager if I could please find out what was in the dressing and he brought me out the whole container. There's nothing in it that I could tell that Siera hasn't had before. I have no idea what is up, but we rushed to WalMart and picked up some dissolvable Benadryl tablets. I will keep those in my purse from now on.

At WalMart Ken pissed me off thoroughly. He gets soooo close to other cars that I seriously think he's going to hit them. The only reason I care (as much as I do) is because, in the event that he DOES hit someone, I'll be the one that has to listen to him bitch and moan that our insurance rates went up, etc, etc. Not willing to deal with it.

I got the kids into WalMart and grabbed diapers, soda, Benadryl and ice cream. Now, normally I would never allow my kids to have ice cream at home. However, with Siera's allergic reaction to who knows what she wasn't able to finish her ice cream because I wanted to get her out of the restaurant. I told her I'd pick up ice cream at the store, so I did. What a fun mom I am :) LOL

Once home Siera & Aerick laid down for naps, James made me a picture, Ken watched a show and I decorated "cakes" for the kids for dessert tonight. I'm also defrosting chicken so I can get dinner started in a couple of hours.

And now Siera is watching tv in her room, James & Ken are watching Underdog and here I sit, typing. LOL

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