Monday, February 22, 2010


Ahhhhh, it's been a crazy couple of days. Yesterday was so nice and sunny. We let the kids play outside for a bit and my father in law came over. So, we paid his bills! LOL

My father in law brought us a cake, he gets very angry with us because we limit the kids' sugar intake. As of today the kids have each had a few small bites of the cake, that's probably all they'll get! I do not feed my kids a bunch of crap! Though I'm not afraid to give them McDonald's either.

Then we took the kids to WalMart and got McD's while we were there, got what we needed and met Chris to drop James off. Then I ran into both of our Dollar Trees looking for Kung Fu Panda birthday stuff. Sadly, nothing :(

So, home we came and did bedtime. I couldn't fall asleep!!!! Hate that!

Today was fun... Ken let me sleep in a bit, then the whole family was in my bed, LOVE that. I got up and got ready to go, got Siera dressed, hair done, got Aerick dressed, shoes on, teeth brushed, and fed the kids some Top Ramen while Daddy got ready to go.

Off to Medford we went because Ken had to return some shingles to a company from a job he did on Friday. A whopping $200 job... That was our gas and the money we spent the last two days alone! *sigh* Oh well... ... ... We ran into Carl's Jr for a snack for myself and the kids and lunch for Daddy. I ate an entire Jalapeno burger, some of Aerick's chips & cheese, and my onion rings and I was still a little hungry! LOL

Our next stop was Target to see if they had any Kung Fu Panda birthday stuff. Of course they didn't! Sheesh, but we found these super cute popcorn holders for the kids in their Dollar Spot!!!  And they had to try them out regardless of whether James was home or not!  LOL 

So, at some point this weekend and I believe that it was on Saturday, James was teaching Siera how to ride his bike, awwwwwwwwwww.  He has training wheels and she can push the pedals, but boy oh boy, she was doing great.  I do believe we're going to be buying her a "big girl" bike this summer!

Have I introduced you to our dog, Riley?  He came to our home on November 15th, 2009.

He had a playdate on Friday evening with his original owners and their dog, Maxx.  How awesome huh!?  You can tell we care quite a bit about him allowing playdates with his original owners, LOL.

We love him so much and the kids romp on him and love on him.  He is always within a few feet of me and follows me to the bathroom, to the kitchen, where ever I may go.  When Ken gets up in the morning, Riley will get up from his perch next to my side of the bed (on the floor), follow Ken to the kitchen, wait while his coffee is made, then out to the garage and outside to go potty.  Once he's made sure Ken is okay out in the garage he comes back in and climbs into Ken's spot on the bed, pillow and all!  LOL - I love waking up to Riley curled up against me and that's saying alot because I hate being touched in my sleep!

This is what happens in my house during the afternoon.  One kid wants to watch this on tv, the other kid wants to watch this, so I separate them!  Oddly, Aerick likes to hang out in Siera's bed... ...  LOL  Although, look how cute he is!  I don't mind :)

Lately, it's been nice to be me.  Tonight was a bit rough as Aerick went to bed at 7 p.m. and Siera didn't fall asleep until just a few minutes ago at 9:20 p.m.  *sigh*  Life as a mommy, it's rough!

AUTHOR'S NOTE:  I'm still learning all this, so please forgive me if my posts look super weird!

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