Friday, February 26, 2010


Aerick's urology appointment was yesterday.  It went really well.  Dr. Bui came in, explained how he'd be moving the testicle back into the scrotum and told us the risks, etc.  Then he asked to see the area, so down went Aerick's pants and I took his diaper off.  Dr. Bui seemed glad that I knew what he was talking about and that I had done my research (*sigh*).  Anyhow, we're scheduled for Monday, March 29th at 8:30 a.m.  I could really use your prayers!  Our pre anesthesia appointment is Thursday, March 25th.

We grabbed KFC from Grants Pass on our way home and ate that for lunch.  Then we had Riley's friends over and we hung out all afternoon/evening.  They helped us to finish up our KFC (yes, we ate it for lunch AND dinner, LOL) and left about 9:15 p.m.  I was in bed by 10:15, sooooo not normal for this mama!

Today I had to get up early to do a telephone interview.  SCAM, did ya hear me?  S-C-A-M!  Oh well...  Lesson learned, kinda...  Then I got the kids ready to go and out the door we went to pick up Grandpa and take him to get some blood drawn for his doctor's appointment next week.  He's a frustrating old man and sadly, I'm getting tired of listening to him tell me that we bought a house that was too expensive.  Damnit, we could afford it when we bought it and now that there's no work we can't.  Give us a fucking break!  Then he gets irritated because I mentioned that I turned 26 three weeks ago and wants to know why I didn't tell him.  Really?!  REALLY?  I told you a few days ago because you were so insistent that you wanted to know.  It's a birthday NOT a wedding or birth.  It's no big deal.  He insists that I should have gotten a gift and not just a dinner out from my husband.  What WE decide to do for my birthday is up to us...  Just one of those days.

I have a menstrual migraine.  Maybe that's why he's irritating me so much today?  I hope so...  LOL  After we grabbed lunch, I sent Frank off with Ken and I wasted some time while waiting for Chris.  Chris and I met up and exchanged James about 2:30.  I'm so excited to have my little man home!!!

Next week is a busy week.  We have appointments three days next week!

The kids and I are watching tv right now, biding our time until 8 p.m.  2 more hours, 2 more hours, 2 more hours!

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