Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I went to the local beauty school, Phagan's, and let a good friend from at least Junior High cut my hair.  Come to find out I have a high cowlick, a low cowlick, a seriously thick patch of hair, very thin, baby fine hair, and just overall WEIRD hair!  LOL  It was well worth my $5 ($5 haircuts on Wednesdays!!!) and I'm so lucky I have a good friend like her.  She seemed so nervous, but I think she was just excited.  We had to trim about 2 inches off because of a previous haircut.  My previous stylist thought she was doing me a favor by razoring the ends of my hair to help with curling under.  However, all it did was make my hair look awful, not her fault, I knew it would and I should have told her no.  Anyways, my hair looks awesome now!

Today was just one of those "chill" days.  I sat around on the couch, the kids and I munched, Aerick took a nap while Siera piddled around.  She really should have napped but boy is it hit or miss here lately.  Ken got home around 2 so I hopped in the shower before I left to get my hair cut.

After my haircut I started to head home and then decided to grab some Taco Bell.  I got their $5 Volcano box.  Good stuff I tell ya!  I ate the tacos and the cinnamon twists but brought the burrito home for Ken.  He gobbled it down, good sign, right?  LOL

When I got home I had to wake Aerick, he'd been sleeping for 6 hours (give or take, it was a rough nap) by the time I got home.  They ate ice chips for awhile.  Suddenly, when I went to fill my drink, Siera decided she was hungry and she wanted fruit cocktail.  I opened the huge can of fruit cocktail.  Between her, Aerick and myself the HUGE can was gone.  I cannot believe how incredibly blessed I am with good eating children.  I mean, the boys are definitely pickier than Siera and the boys don't always want to eat, but at least Siera will be my constant!

Aerick might be getting sick.  I can't decide.  We haven't given him gatorade in a few days and he didn't have milk, so he shouldn't have diarrhea, but this evening he came to me with two dirty diapers.  The first was pretty solid (abnormal for him) and the second was straight liquid.  The poor punkin's bum was bright red in the 2 seconds between him telling me and me changing him.  I slathered him in Desitin Creamy and figured maybe he's a little sick.  I hope not, though he was a little warm at his nap.  He slept for an hour and suddenly was calling my name.  I refilled his cup and he drained it and hollered again.  He drank FOUR sippies in a 20 minute time period before I gave him some Tylenol Cold because he felt a little warm.  It could have been the fleece blanket he had on him, mixed with the warm heater temperature I had the house set to.  Who really knows?

Anyhow, I've laid Siera & Aerick down.  Turned Siera's timer on on her tv, filled sippies, tucked them in and am now going to go play with my new cut before I have to get up early to get everyone out the door tomorrow for Aerick's urologist appointment.  I'm pretty certain they're asleep and I'm pretty tired.  I suppose I should pick out outfits.  For whatever reason it helps my morning to run much smoother!

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