Sunday, March 7, 2010

Emotions, Emotions

So, James had to go back to his father today.  That's not a big deal but he freaked out when I picked him up on Friday and then today when we told him he was going back.  It's quite ridiculous.  Need to figure that out...

It was a pretty uneventful day.  I woke to the kids screaming through the house, which I don't enjoy, but it happens when Daddy is in charge.  He means well...

Fed them ham and cheese hot pockets for lunch, then laid Aerick down for a nap and sent Siera & James outside to play.  They only came in to bathe (about 45 minutes) and then went back outside, but this time Aerick was up so they took him with them.  Then I made mini corn dogs for dinner and served them with applesauce.  Shortly after that we needed to take James to his dad.

On the way home I asked Ken to run through Dairy Queen and I got a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup blizzard with chocolate ice cream.  Siera was asleep before we got to the drive thru so we just came home, put her to bed, let Aerick watch a show and now he's in bed.  So, I'm logging off to head to bed to watch tv myself.  I haven't had dinner yet, so I'm sure I'll be hungry in the next hour.

Somewhere in there I did a load of dishes and made myself some lunch.  I also bathed the kids, LOL.

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