Sunday, March 28, 2010


As I sit here waiting for Siera to fall asleep because I decided to bring her home instead of letting her stay the night at a friends house I've been thinking about my life.  My no good, horrible life.

My husband is an abusive asshole.  He threw a remote at me Friday night.  It hit my elbow and now there is a bruise.  I need to get a picture of it.  Why'd he throw the remote at me?  We were watching tv, Riley started barking and Ken started saying something to me.  I said, a little snotty, "if you're going to talk could you please pause the tv?"  So he got pissed and threw the remote at me.

Since then I've pretty much ignored him.  We can't discuss ANYTHING without it being a fight.  Tomorrow is Aerick's surgery and I'm super anxious about it.  I can't discuss that with him though because he gets all irritated and pissy with me.  I have no idea what the hell for!!! 

Over the course of nearly 5 years he's called me: irrational, psycho, crazy, stupid, and several other not so nice names.  He calls my family and friends names.  Yes, my family isn't the most stable and I don't particularly care for them now a days.  However, they are my family!  It hurts my feelings when he says those things regardless of how I feel about my own family.

I'm so angry and so hurt.  Ken just being around me makes me angry.  Ken calling the house makes me angry.  Ken LOOKING at me makes me angry.  I'm so damn angry it makes me sad.

I hope the caseworker I emailed gets back to me soon.

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