Monday, March 22, 2010


My life is so mundane.  Ken is back to telling me that he's going to sell the house.  He's not really trying very hard to find a job, as far as I'm concerned.  He DID buy a newspaper the other day, CRAZYYY.

This weekend was incredible.  My younger sister brought her 2 boys to my house and spend the weekend.  It's been so long since her boys got to play with my children.  They were outside ALL DAY on Saturday, which meant the doors on my house were open all day.  I loved it and reveled in every minute.  The kids were exhausted, in bed and asleep by a decent time.  Two kids put themselves to bed at 8:30 p.m. and then they kept going, dropping like flies until about 9:30 p.m.  Then they woke starting at 7 a.m. until about 9 p.m.  It was so wonderful.  I was sad when the boys left yesterday,  not so much about my sister!

I got some good pictures, but I'm not going to post pictures of her boys because they're not my children.  Despite the fact that I doubt she'd care, I'm still not doing it.

I'm exhausted from it all, but it's all good.

Today was taking Frank to the hospital for some blood work.  We have to make sure his kidneys are functioning well enough for him to take the contrast that he needs for his CT on Thursday.  Sadly, Aerick has his pre anesthesiologist appointment in Medford a few hours after Frank's CT.  It's going to be a long, desperate day!  LOL

I'm still trying to prepare myself for Aerick being in surgery.  Especially taken from me before he's asleep.  *sigh*  Anyhow, not much else to tell.

Oh other than Ken throwing a fit because Frank doesn't like to go to McDonald's or any of the quick "restaurants" for meals.  He likes to take us out to eat every once in a while for helping him out by taking him to the doctors appointments.  However, Ken hates it when he does because he doesn't really have the money to do it.  While I understand that he hasn't paid any bills this month, hasn't taken us out to eat in a bit, so I didn't see a big deal with him taking us to breakfast this morning.  Ken was irate with me.  And he's fucking indecisive as hell.  Ask him where he wants to go to eat and he will NEVER make a decision.  I have no idea why, but he does it with other things as well, not just eating out.  Anyhow, we ended up going to Elmer's and it cost us about $50 for 6 of us to eat. 

Ken has been muttering all afternoon, "$50 for breakfast!"

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