Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Days Seem So Long

The days just seem so long and I'm not sure why.  I went to bed at 10:30 and 11 respectively two nights in a row this week and then I went and fudged it up last night by staying up late to watch my recorded Bachelor and After the Final Rose Ceremony.  *sigh*  I realllllllllllllly need to learn more self control.  I'm sure sleep is a big culprit in my long days, LOL.

Siera had her pediatric appointment yesterday and it went really well.  Debbie Ayoli checked everything on her twice to reassure me that she's fine.  So, the dentist saying to have her tonsils looked at in a concerned voice was for nothing!  She also mentioned that Siera's ears hurting is probably because of her teeth.  *sob*  My poor punkin'.  I'm glad I'm doing something now, but I waited too long to stand up to Ken and that pisses me off beyond belief.  I waited so long that now my daughter is in pain.  I was also told to just keep playing with the kids' diets.  Maybe they're sensitive to gluten, but not celiac, y'know?  Therefore I will continue to watch our diets.

We took the kids to McDonald's after her doctor appointment and for whatever reason Aerick soaked through his diaper by the time we got there.  I swear this kid is on newborn diaper changing schedule!

This morning we had our WIC appointment.  That went surprisingly well.  5 years ago when I was on WIC with James they had an office full of mean, mean women.  Thankfully I had a super nice woman today and I know her!  LOL  She was my sisters "worker" when she had her kids and was on WIC.  That was reassuring...  We get per month for each child: 3 gallons of milk; 1 quart of milk; 1 pound of cheese; 32 ounces of whole wheat bread, tortillas, or brown rice; 16 to 18 ounces of peanut butter or 16 ounces of dry beans or peas; 36 ounces of cereal (like Kix, Chex, Cornflakes, etc); $6 for fresh fruits/veggies or frozen, 1 dozen eggs; and 2 - 64 ounce bottles of juice or 11.5 or 12 ounces of frozen.  All of that times two for our family is soooo helpful.  I cannot express how incredibly appreciative of this program that I am.

After our appointment we needed to go to WalMart to fill a few vouchers and, at the very least, grab some diapers for Aerick.  We're going through a box every 7 to 10 days, instead of 14 days on the nose...  While we were there Siera decided that she wanted soda, then she wanted string cheese.  Ken finally picked her up because she wasn't following us and she kicked and screamed.  It was horrible.  I have never been that embarassed before because of my children.  Ken told her he was taking her out to the car and then didn't.  That is SO irritating.  She KNOWS that Daddy won't do shit about her which is why she acts like this.

So then when we get up to the checkout we're in a superbly long lane with a superbly slow checker.  A new checker came up and opened the lane right next to us and summoned us over.  Of course we went, we were the next one in line.  A woman came rushing up beside us and about jumped on me.  When I started to put stuff on the belt she started sighing.  Then we realized that I had mistakenly grabbed 38 ounces of cereal instead of 36 ounces, so I had to send Ken to grab a different cereal.  Wouldn't you know, I also grabbed the wrong fucking peanut butter.  There were only a couple of 18 ounce jars so I had just grabbed one.  Well, duh, I grabbed Low Fat and on WIC you can't buy Low Fat.  *sigh*  The woman behind me said in a pissed off voice, "She's got WIC" when I sent Ken to exchange the cereal, then she got even puffier when I had to go exchange the peanut butter.

I had 3 checks to fill and as I was finishing up the first one, the freaking woman behind me was inching closer and closer.  I still had 2 more checks, plus the diapers and soda in my cart.  I finished the rest of the checks and then tried to put the soda and diapers on the belt.  There was just no way that was going to happen, so I went around the other side, told Ken, "you need to take care of the soda and diapers because this woman just keeps getting closer."  Apparently he didn't hear me, but he took care of the rest of the stuff.

When we got to the car I explained why I was so pissed off and he is NOT happy.  Honestly, I'm not a confrontational person, but if I hadn't had my children with me I would have said something to this woman.  She was so close that I could have looked to my left and touched her with my NOSE.

Chicken with an italian dressing packet over it, parmesan Pasta Roni and a vegetable.  Hopefully bedtime will be at a decent time tonight so that I can *fingers crossed* go to bed early.

Have a great night!

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