Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So, I realized that I don't need to post everyday.  I'm too boring for that.

Besides, all I did yesterday was sit around and yell at the kids!  LOL  No, seriously, Siera is such a handful that I'm just not doing well with it.  She hadn't napped since Friday, but then today, ahhhh, today.  Today she napped!  What a blissful one hour that was.

Today was another whatever day.  I do need to shower tonight because we have a playdate from 9 to 12 tomorrow.  I'm so excited.  Homemade whipped cream with strawberry yogurt for dipping the apple slices and then roasted vegetable Ritz and whole grain Club crackers with slices of cheddar cheese.  Yum, yum!

This afternoon I finally got to watch Jason & Molly (The Bachelor) get married. :)  Hooray!

I try to lay the kids down about 11 a.m. for naps and then I have to wake Aerick at 3 p.m.  Typically he'll nap all day long if I didn't wake him.  This afternoon I walk into his room to find him climbing out of the crib onto James' desk chair that Siera had left next to his crib.  He was so sleepy and yet had this huge grin on his face.

Then bedtime comes.  I left the chair next to his crib all day so that when bedtime came I could coax him to climb into the crib and climb he did.  SOOOOO proud of himself.  I still left the chair there to test him and see if he'd climb out.  Sure enough he did.  Then he played with Daddy for 5 to 10 minutes, went into his room, shut the door and climbed back into bed.  As I opened his bedroom door he had flopped onto the mattress and was preparing to tuck himself in.  When he saw me at the door he jumped up, both hands in the air and said, "I did it!  I did it!"  "I did it!  I did it!"  LOL  Cutest damn thing I have ever seen and I have 3 fucking kids!

Now I'm going to eat spaghettios with  meatballs and call it a night.  Kinda.

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