Saturday, March 6, 2010

Long, Tired Days...

I had trouble falling asleep again last night...  I have no idea why, but that's alright.  I'm working on it.

I've missed a few days so let me try to catch up.
Thursday - I awoke with a migraine after 7 straight hours of sleep, plus 2 additional hours after I dealt with Aerick.  Frank, my father in law, was supposed to have a check up with his radiation doctor, but it got canceled before I even woke up.  Thank goodness!

Since I had a migraine I just lounged all day.  Ken had to work that day, but Aerick was due for a nap shortly after he left.  About 20 minutes after Ken left I laid Aerick in his crib with a fresh cup and I had Siera call Auntie Mariah.  She was instructed to tell Mariah that Mommy was sick and that Auntie needed to come out to our house!  She did pretty well talking on the phone, I was very surprised.  However, Mariah didn't understand exactly what she was saying, LOL.  While Aerick was lying down I managed to doze for about an hour.  Siera actually sat on the couch for a good portion of that time because she knew that Mommy wasn't feeling well.  At some point in that hour Siera heard Aerick and ran down to see what he needed.  She brought me his sippy cup, so I filled it and sent her to give it to him.  She gave him the cup, "tucked" him in, shut the bedroom door, and told him that she loved him!  It was soooooo sweet to hear her being a doting "Mommy" to her baby brother.

Once that hour was over Siera said she wanted McDonald's and asked if her Auntie Riah could bring her some.  I told her she had to call and ask, so she did!  I'm so proud of her :)  Anyways, she managed to convince Auntie to bring her some McDonald's and then I got Aerick to finally sleep after he'd eaten.  Siera wouldn't be quiet any longer, but to be honest she was such a good girl for most of the morning that I couldn't blame her for getting all nutso after lunch, LOL.

Friday - Well, I had to go get groceries.  I thought I was going alone, when all of a sudden Ken said he and the kids were going with me.  le sigh  Shortly after we got to the grocery store I got a phone call from Chris that he was already in town and he'd bring James to me.  Awesome!  I met him at the front of WalMart and took James to finish grocery shopping with me.  At some point I had to send the kids and Ken to McDonald's because they were just driving me nuts.  I rushed through the rest of my shopping and got into line.  By the time I got half the stuff onto the belt Ken and the kids had caught up to me.  We finished up and headed home.  Thankfully Siera & Aerick had fallen asleep on the way home and they continued to sleep once transferred into their beds.  Then I got to put away all the groceries and make myself lunch.  For dinner I ended up just making the kids Hamburger Helper Singles, peaches & pears and yogurt.  They ate pretty well, but I had to put James to bed at 6:30 since he was being SO defiant.  All the kids were in bed and asleep by 8:30 p.m.  Wonderful!

Today, Saturday - I met Chris to give him James since today is his daughter's first birthday (and thus her party) and we wanted James to be there.  Then I ran into WalMart to grab a few things I forgot yesterday.  While I was in there I saw Chris, James, his fiance and their daughter.  I headed home and prepared for Ken's father's dinner.  I made a cake, a beef roast and yum, yum.  LOL  We finished up dinner by 4 and were eating by 4:15 p.m.  Then I got a call at 5 p.m. that they were done with the party and such, so I left to get James.  When we got back we did cake and sang Happy Birthday to Grandpa.  Siera & Aerick went to bed at 7 and now I'm going to get James something to eat and be done with the evening :)

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