Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Aerick's Surgery

Yesterday was Aerick's surgery and it went very well.

He was such a trooper, woke up fine yesterday morning, didn't ask for anything to drink, which is very unusual for him.  He said he was hungry once during the 45 minute drive, but once I told him he had to see the doctor before he could eat he was fine with it.
Once we got into his room in the Short Stay Unit we changed him into his little hospital outfit.  SO CUTE I might add.  We even brought it home :)

Then we had to wait until it was time to give him his sedative and such.  They brought a tv in so that Siera & Aerick could watch some tv.  I'd also packed a backpack for Siera and there were a couple of cars in it.  So we pulled the cars out for Aerick.

For whatever reason he refused to look at me and give me a regular smile!  He loved playing with the cars and especially loved it when Mommy vroom, vroomed with him.  Siera was having a good time too.  "Fixing" Daddy's chair...

As Aerick was waiting the bands on his ankle were really irritating him.  Poor guy.  He also cuddled with Mom and Dad some because I mean, how freaking boring!  LOL

After a while it was time to give Aerick his sedative.  Thankfully they let me give it to him and it must have tasted awful because he tried to spit it back at me and to be honest, it stank.  BAD.  He also hated the pulse/ox monitor on his big toe.  It was kinda funny.

After the sedative you just have to watch.  He didn't really get loopy or anything, just kind of...  Silly?  Yeah, I suppose you could say he got silly.  Seriously though this is why you don't give children drugs.  Just look:

Tell me that isn't the funniest looking thing?  The last picture was right as they were coming in to take him from us for surgery and he had been trying to eat me.  He'd opened his mouth really wide so I thought he was trying to give me a silly kiss, but then I realized he was actually trying to bite me!  And he was making the noises too.  He actually reminded me of ME when I've been drinking, LOL.  Such a silly kid, love that boy to death.  I'm so glad we did the sedative before they took him from us because he was more than complacent.  He even went willingly to the nurse that took him to surgery.

I love that boy so much.  It broke my heart to send him with her, but as you can see he has big brother's pony and a blanket from home.  I didn't cry either!  What a good Mommy I was.  From there we took Siera to the cafe for some breakfast.  That actually wasted the PERFECT amount of time and I'm really glad we took her instead of leaving her with a sitter like we'd originally planned.

Once we got back to the reception/waiting area we made a cup of tea for Aerick to drink when he got out of surgery.  Siera watched a few minutes of cartoons and the elderly woman who was guarding the door gave her a few Care Bear coloring pages and some crayons.  She was very, very happy.  Then they put us into a small room so the doctor could come tell us how it went.  He came in and the surgery went very well.  He told us to expect Aerick's scrotum to have a pucker in it because they weren't able to stretch the testicle as much as they wanted to.  Then we went back to Aerick's room to wait for him:

It took nearly 10 or 15 minutes before they finally brought me my baby!  He was just lying there as they wheeled him towards me, but as soon as he heard my voice he started fussing.  Poor punkin'!  I felt horrible that I'd put him through this.

I'm so glad that he got to take his big brother's pony and his blanket with him.  I think that helped.  He felt SO hot when I touched him but he wasn't really that hot.  I picked him up within seconds of taking that picture.  He hated that IV, poor punkin.

He loved the Sierra Mist though!  LOL  He drank two of those sippy cups of it.  Then we had to sit and wait, wait until he'd freaking pee!  He never did pee so they went ahead and discharged us.  We were told just to keep an eye on him.

We switched cuddling him from time to time.  Though I cuddled him the most :)  Siera was such a good girl.  She was a little wild, but nothing like usual.  As long as we kept her mostly entertained she did well.

On our way home we stopped and got some Taco Bell for lunch.  Siera fell asleep while she was waiting, Aerick vomited and Ken cleaned him up.  As we got on the freeway to get home I gave Aerick a piece of his quesadilla and he ate some of it then passed out.  On the way home we had to stop at WalMart to pick up some diapers and his pain medication.

Once we were actually home I sat on the couch with Aerick and ended up lying down.  Apparently I fell asleep for about an hour and a half.  Which was good.  Aerick never moved, just laid there in his mama's arms.  I think he loves me, LOL.  Siera went wild once we got home.  Absolutely crazy!  She was jumping on things and running around, making noises, keeping Aerick up, etc.  I got up and let Aerick lie down on the couch for a bit, then he fell asleep.  In the meantime Siera was trying to wake him.

I realized Aerick hadn't pee'd yet and it'd been nearly 8 hours.  I called the doctor's office and they said to wait it out and then if he still didn't pee to put him in a bath.  If that still didn't work to take him to our local hospital.  I hate, hate our local hospital, so I was praying that the bath would work.  I waited for Aerick to wake up, waited for Ken & Siera to finish eating and then I put about 3 inches of warm water in the bathtub.  I climbed in and put Aerick on my lap.  I put his feet in the water and his bottom on my leg (so that his incision wouldn't get wet) and he started to tinkle.  He got scared and stopped so I reassured him that it was okay and he finally finished.  The water turned a little yellow.  Poor punkin had obviously been holding it all day.

At 9 he asked to go to bed and he went right to sleep.  He slept until 7 o'clock and was completely soaking wet.  I put him into bed with me and apparently he climbed right out and came into the living room to play.  Ken said he was running around, jumping, and playing as though he'd never had surgery.  I got up about 10 and realized that he was indeed doing that.  It was insane.

He asked about 11 to get into his crib, so I put him in there, but at 11:30 he still wasn't asleep, so I got him up and let him play for a bit.  At 12:30 Siera and Aerick weren't behaving and definitely weren't listening so I put them into bed.  Siera went right to sleep, but Aerick took until about 1:15 to fall asleep.

I did some stuff online and then decided to blog about my baby's surgery.  So here it is.

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